Henceforth, there will be such a oneness between us that when one weeps, the other will taste salt. --author unknown
When the earth was first made, all things were present,
but people saw only their isolation from one another and from the mountains
and rivers that had created them.  For a long time, each creature followed a 
separate path, until the first man looked at the first woman and 
envisioned a unity not seen before.  From their love, happiness was created
and a thread soon connected man to woman, stars to trees, and the tongue
of the ocean to the thrust of the rock.  Some called it nature, others called it
the plan of the universe.  But between men and women arose a 
bond of love, unbroken to the present day.
~Nancy Wood~

Sherry Ware & Paul Baukman were united in marriage 
in the traditional Indian tradition this day, 
Sunday, September 24, 2000.

A Native American Wedding Ceremony

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(Till next we meet, Walk in Peace.)

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